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Best season : June to September

Opening Dates

  • Aug
  • Sep



















The Pin Bhaba Pass trek Himachal Pradesh is a popular trekking route located in the Kinnaur district of Himachal Pradesh, India. This trek takes you through a scenic and diverse landscape, offering stunning views of snow-capped mountains, lush green valleys, and glistening rivers.

The trek starts from the village of Kafnu and takes you through picturesque villages, ancient monasteries, and alpine meadows. As you ascend, you will gradually enter a high-altitude desert region with barren mountains and rocky terrain.

The highlight of the Pin Bhaba Pass trek is crossing the high mountain pass at an elevation of around 4,900 meters (16,076 feet). It is a challenging yet rewarding experience, as you navigate steep trails and negotiate snowfields. The pass offers breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding peaks, including the majestic Pin Parvati range.

The descent from the pass leads you into the Spiti Valley, known for its unique landscape and Tibetan Buddhist culture. You will pass through remote villages like Mudh and witness their traditional way of life. The trek concludes in the village of Sangla, known for its apple orchards and scenic beauty.

The Pin Bhaba Pass trek usually takes around 7-8 days to complete, depending on the itinerary and the pace of the trek. It is recommended for experienced trekkers due to its challenging terrain and high altitude.

Overall, the Pin Bhaba Pass trek is a thrilling adventure that combines the beauty of the Kinnaur region with the ruggedness of the Spiti Valley. It offers a unique opportunity to explore the remote and untouched landscapes of the Himalayas while immersing yourself in the rich cultural heritage of the local communities.


Day 1: Drive from Shimla to Kafnu

On Day 1, you will travel from Shimla to Kafnu by road. Shimla is the starting point of your journey. Kafnu is located at a height of 2,100 meters (6,890 feet) above sea level.

The distance between Shimla and Kafnu is approximately 200 Km and takes around 8-9 hours by road. During the drive, you will pass through scenic valleys and villages, enjoying the beautiful views of the surrounding landscapes. The road journey will take you through winding roads and provide glimpses of the natural beauty of the region.

You can sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride as you make your way towards Kafnu, where your Pin Bhaba Pass trek will begin. It's advisable to carry some snacks and water for the journey to stay hydrated and energized.

Day 2: Trek from Kafnu to Mulling

On Day 2, your trek will commence from Kafnu and you will hike to Mulling. Mulling is located at an elevation of 3,200 meters (10,498 feet) above sea level.

The distance between Kafnu and Mulling is approximately covered in 5-6 hours of trekking. As you begin your trek, you will traverse through diverse landscapes, including dense forests and enchanting meadows.

The trail will offer you scenic vistas of the surrounding mountains and valleys, immersing you in the natural beauty of the region. The hike may involve some uphill sections and uneven terrain, so it's important to pace yourself and take breaks when needed.

Enjoy the serenity of the surroundings and keep an eye out for any wildlife that you may encounter along the way. Your journey from Kafnu to Mulling will be an exciting start to your Pin Bhaba Pass trek, as you immerse yourself in the stunning natural surroundings and embark on your adventure.

Day 3: Trek from Mulling to Kara

On Day 3, your trek continues as you move from Mulling to Kara. Kara is situated at an elevation of 3,600 meters (11,811 feet) above sea level.

The trekking distance from Mulling to Kara is approximately covered in 5-6 hours. As you embark on this leg of your journey, you will witness a gradual ascent through meadows and alpine pastures.

The trail will lead you through a diverse landscape, showcasing the beauty of the surrounding mountains and valleys. You will be surrounded by breathtaking panoramic views as you make your way towards Kara.

During the trek, make sure to stay hydrated and take regular breaks to rest and admire the scenery around you. It's important to maintain a steady pace and listen to your body's needs.

Kara serves as an excellent campsite, where you can rest, rejuvenate, and immerse yourself in the tranquillity of nature. Take the time to soak in the natural beauty and prepare for the next phase of your Pin Bhaba Pass trek.

Day 4: Trek from Kara to Pushtirang

On Day 4, your trek continues as you move from Kara to Pushtirang. Pushtirang is located at an elevation of 4,300 meters (14,107 feet) above sea level.

The trekking distance from Kara to Pushtirang is approximately covered in 6-7 hours. As you embark on this leg of your journey, you will encounter steep climbs and rocky terrain.

The trail will take you through picturesque landscapes, including meadows and rugged terrain. The ascent may require a bit more effort, so it's important to pace yourself and take breaks as needed.

Throughout the trek, be sure to stay hydrated and energized by carrying enough water and snacks. The higher altitude will offer you stunning views of the surrounding mountains and valleys, providing a sense of awe and wonder.

Reaching Pushtirang, you will be greeted by a campsite surrounded by natural beauty. Take the time to rest, enjoy the serene environment, and prepare for the challenges and rewards that lie ahead on your Pin Bhaba Pass trek.

Day 5: Rest Day/Buffer Day at Pushtirang

On Day 5, you will have a rest day at Pushtirang. This day is dedicated to taking a break from trekking and allowing your body to acclimatize to the high altitude.

During the rest day, you can relax and enjoy the beautiful surroundings of Pushtirang. Take the opportunity to explore the campsite, soak in the stunning views, and appreciate the tranquillity of nature.

It is crucial to use this rest day for proper acclimatization, as it helps your body adjust to the higher altitude and reduces the risk of altitude-related illnesses. Drink plenty of water, eat nutritious meals, and listen to your body's needs.

You can also engage in light activities such as stretching, yoga, or short walks around the campsite to keep your body active. However, it is important to avoid strenuous exertion on this day to allow your body to recover and recharge.

Use this rest day to rejuvenate both physically and mentally, preparing yourself for the upcoming challenges and adventures that await you on the remainder of your Pin Bhaba Pass trek.

Day 6: Trek from Pushtirang to Pin Bhaba Pass and back to Mangrungse

On Day 6, you will continue your trek from Pushtirang towards the highly anticipated Pin Bhaba Pass. After crossing the pass, you will descend back to Mangrungse.

The trek from Pushtirang to Pin Bhaba Pass will take approximately 8-9 hours. This part of the journey is challenging as it involves navigating through snowfields and steep slopes. You will need to exercise caution and follow your guide's instructions carefully.

Once you reach Pin Bhaba Pass, at an elevation of approximately 4,900 meters (16,076 feet), you will be rewarded with breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding peaks and valleys. Take a moment to soak in the beauty of the Himalayas and capture the memories with your camera.

After relishing the views, you will begin the descent towards Mangrungse. The trek back to Mangrungse will take around 6-7 hours. The terrain may be varied, including rocky paths and meadows, as you make your way down.

Mangrungse will serve as your campsite for the night, providing a peaceful and serene atmosphere for rest and recuperation. Take the time to reflect on the day's achievements and the incredible experience of crossing the Pin Bhaba Pass.

Day 7: Trek from Mangrungse to Mudh

On Day 7, you will continue your trek from Mangrungse and make your way to Mudh, a picturesque village in the Spiti Valley.

The trekking distance from Mangrungse to Mudh is approximately covered in 5-6 hours. As you embark on this leg of your journey, you will descend through diverse landscapes, including rocky paths and meadows.

The trail will lead you through the enchanting Spiti Valley, offering breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains and the unique landscape of the region. Along the way, you may also come across charming villages, allowing you to immerse yourself in the local culture and witness the traditional way of life.

Upon reaching Mudh, take the time to explore the village and appreciate its natural beauty. Mudh is known for its stunning vistas, serene surroundings, and the warmth of its people. You will have the opportunity to interact with the locals, learn about their customs, and experience the rich cultural heritage of the Spiti Valley.

Enjoy a well-deserved rest in Mudh, as you unwind and prepare for the final leg of your Pin Bhaba Pass trek. Reflect on the incredible experiences you've had throughout the journey and savour the beauty of the Spiti Valley.

Day 8: Drive back from Mudh to Manali

On Day 8, your Pin Bhaba Pass trek comes to an end as you drive back from Mudh to Manali.

The journey from Mudh to Manali takes approximately 7-8 hours by road. As you leave the serene beauty of Mudh behind, you will traverse through the enchanting landscapes of the Spiti Valley.

The drive will take you through scenic valleys, winding mountain roads, and picturesque villages. Along the way, you can enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding mountains and soak in the tranquillity of the region.

Once you reach Manali, take some time to relax, reflect on your trekking adventure, and celebrate the completion of the Pin Bhaba Pass trek. Manali offers various attractions, such as local markets, cafes, and the opportunity to explore the town's vibrant atmosphere.

You can choose to stay in Manali overnight or continue with your onward journey, depending on your plans and preferences.

As you bid farewell to the majestic Himalayas, cherish the memories and sense of accomplishment from your remarkable Pin Bhaba Pass trek.


Pin Bhaba Pass Trek Map Hello Hikers



Things to Carry

List of essential items you should carry on the Pin Bhaba Pass trek:

Backpack: A sturdy backpack with a capacity of around 50-60 litres to carry all your belongings.


  • Quick-drying T-shirts and trekking pants (avoid jeans) for daytime.
  • Warm layers like fleece jackets and thermal wear for cold temperatures.
  • Down jacket or insulated jacket for extremely cold conditions.
  • Waterproof and windproof jacket and pants to protect against rain and snow.
  • Comfortable and waterproof trekking shoes with good grip.
  • Woollen socks and gaiters to keep your feet warm and dry.
  • Sun hat, woollen hat, and gloves to protect against sun and cold.

Sleeping Gear:

  • Sleeping bag suitable for sub-zero temperatures.
  • Sleeping mat or insulation pad for comfort and insulation from the ground.

Personal Hygiene:

  • Toilet paper and wet wipes.
  • Hand sanitizer and soap.
  • Towel and sunscreen.
  • Toothbrush, toothpaste, and other personal hygiene items.

First Aid Kit:

  • Basic first aid supplies including bandages, antiseptic cream, painkillers, etc.
  • Medications for common ailments like headaches, stomachaches, and altitude sickness (consult a doctor for specific recommendations).

Trekking Gear:

  • Trekking poles for better stability and reduced strain on knees.
  • Headlamp or flashlight with extra batteries.
  • Sunglasses with UV protection.
  • Water bottles or hydration bladder to stay hydrated.
  • Snacks and energy bars for quick energy during the trek.
  • Swiss Army knife or multi-tool for various purposes.


  • Waterproof bags or dry sacks to keep your clothes and equipment dry.
  • Extra plastic bags for segregating wet or dirty clothes.
  • Personal identification documents, permits, and emergency contact numbers.
  • Cash and a small backpack lock for securing your belongings.

Remember to pack light and only carry essential items to avoid unnecessary weight. It’s also advisable to check the weather conditions and pack accordingly. Additionally, make sure to inform someone about your trekking plans and expected return date for safety purposes.

How to Reach

To reach the Pin Bhaba Pass trek, you can follow these steps:

  • By Air: The nearest airport to the Pin Bhaba Pass trek is Jubbarhatti Airport in Shimla, Himachal Pradesh. From there, you can hire a taxi or take a bus to reach the starting point of the trek.
  • By Train: The closest railway station to the Pin Bhaba Pass trek is Shimla Railway Station. From Shimla, you can hire a taxi or take a local bus to reach the starting point of the trek.
  • By Road: The trek starts from a village called Kafnu, which is well-connected by road. You can reach Kafnu by taking a bus or hiring a taxi from Shimla, which is approximately 200 kilometres away. The journey takes around 8-9 hours.

If you are travelling from another city, you can reach Shimla or Rampur and then continue your journey to Kafnu by bus or taxi.

Safety & Security

Safety tips to keep in mind while undertaking the Pin Bhaba Pass trek:

  • Physical Fitness: Ensure that you are physically fit and adequately prepared for the trek. Engage in regular exercise and build stamina before attempting the trek. Consult a doctor if you have any underlying health conditions.
  • Acclimatization: The trek involves high altitudes, so it is crucial to acclimatize properly. Take rest days at designated stops to allow your body to adjust to the altitude. Stay hydrated and avoid overexertion.
  • Trekking Permits: Check if any permits are required for the trek and obtain them beforehand. Carry necessary identification documents and keep them in a secure place.
  • Weather Conditions: Make sure to stay informed about the weather forecast and be ready for any changes in the weather. Carry appropriate clothing and gear to protect yourself from rain, snow, wind, and cold temperatures.
  • Trekking Guide: It is advisable to hire a local trekking guide or join a trekking group. They have experience and knowledge of the route, terrain, and weather conditions, which can enhance safety.
  • Trekking Equipment: Ensure that you have proper trekking equipment such as a sturdy backpack, trekking shoes with good grip, trekking poles for stability, and a reliable sleeping bag for cold temperatures.
  • Drinking Water: Carry a sufficient supply of drinking water and use water purification methods like water filters or water purification tablets. Avoid drinking water from unknown sources to prevent waterborne illnesses.
  • Emergency Contacts: Carry emergency contact numbers of local authorities, trekking agencies, and fellow trekkers. Inform someone about your trekking plans, including your expected return date and route.
  • First Aid Kit: Carry a well-equipped first aid kit with basic medications, bandages, and other essential supplies. Learn basic first aid techniques or take a first aid course before the trek.
  • Respect Nature and Local Customs: Follow Leave No Trace principles and do not litter. Respect the local culture, customs, and traditions of the places you visit. Be mindful of the environment and wildlife.
  • Emergency Evacuation: In case of any medical emergency or severe weather conditions, know the evacuation routes and procedures. Stay updated on the emergency contact numbers and seek help if needed.

Remember, safety should always be a priority during any trekking expedition. It is essential to be well-prepared, stay alert, and make informed decisions to ensure a safe and enjoyable trekking experience.

Cancellation Policy

We understand that planning an outdoor trip brings a lot of excitement and joy. However, we also know that cancellations can be disappointing. While Hello Hikers rarely cancels treks due to our efficient ground operations, cancellations can happen due to unforeseen circumstances such as weather conditions, government regulations, or any other factors beyond our control. In such cases, the following cancellation policy will be applicable.

To ensure a hassle-free experience, we recommend making your booking at least two months in advance. If you do need to cancel your trek, please inform us in writing. Cancellation charges will be effective from the date we receive written advice.

Our cancellation policy is as follows:

We have designed a cancellation policy that is fair, feasible, and convenient for all our customers. The procedure is as follows:

  • If you cancel your trek 21 or more days before the start date, we will deduct 10% towards GST and transaction charges and refund 90% as a trek voucher valid for 1 year.
  • If you cancel your trek 15-20 days before the start date, we will deduct 30% towards GST, transaction, accommodation at base, ration, etc., and refund 70% as a trek voucher valid for 1 year.
  • If you cancel your trek 7-14 days before the start date, we will deduct 50% towards GST, transaction, accommodation at the base, ration, trek leaders, permits, equipment, etc., and refund 50% as a trek voucher that is valid for 1 year.
  • If you cancel your trek 1-6 days before the start date, we will deduct 100% as all arrangements have been made, and we are ready to take you on the trek.

We also have some terms and conditions for the trek voucher:

  • The voucher will be valid for 12 months from the date of issuance.
  • The voucher can be used for any trek with Hello Hikers.

Thank you for choosing Hello Hikers, and we hope to see you on our treks soon!


What is the duration of the Pin Bhaba Pass trek?

The duration of the Pin Bhaba Pass trek is typically around 7-8 days, including the trekking days and rest days for acclimatization.

Why visit Pin Bhaba Pass Trek?

There are several reasons why visiting the Pin Bhaba Pass trek is a worthwhile adventure:

Breathtaking Scenery: The journey provides beautiful wide views of mountains covered in snow, green valleys, and pretty landscapes. From dense forests to high-altitude deserts, the diverse scenery along the route is a feast for the eyes.

Remote and Untouched Wilderness: The Pin Bhaba Pass trek takes you through remote and less-explored regions of the Himalayas. It offers a chance to immerse yourself in untouched wilderness, away from the hustle and bustle of city life.

Cultural Immersion: The trek provides an opportunity to experience the unique culture and traditional way of life of the local communities in the Kinnaur and Spiti regions. You can interact with the friendly villagers, visit ancient monasteries, and learn about their rich cultural heritage.

Challenging Adventure: The trek is suitable for experienced trekkers who seek a challenging and exhilarating adventure. Crossing the high mountain pass at an elevation of around 4,900 meters (16,076 feet) requires physical fitness and mental resilience.

Wildlife and Flora: The region is home to diverse flora and fauna. During the trek, you may encounter wildlife such as Himalayan ibex, snow leopards, and various bird species. The area also boasts beautiful alpine flowers and rare medicinal plants.

Off the Beaten Path: Compared to more popular treks, the Pin Bhaba Pass trek offers a sense of solitude and tranquillity. You can enjoy the serenity of nature and disconnect from the distractions of daily life.

Adventure with a Purpose: The Pin Bhaba Pass trek combines adventure with a purpose of self-discovery and personal growth. It pushes your limits, fosters resilience, and offers a chance to connect with nature on a deeper level.

In summary, the Pin Bhaba Pass trek is an amazing trip that combines the wonders of nature, learning about different cultures, and exciting adventures. It is an opportunity to create unforgettable memories and experience the raw grandeur of the Himalayas.

What is the difficulty level of the Pin Bhaba Pass trek?

The Pin Bhaba Pass trek is considered a moderate to challenging trek. It involves long trekking hours, steep ascents and descents, and crossing a high-altitude pass at approximately 4,900 meters (16,076 feet). It is advisable to have previous trekking experience and be physically fit for the trek.

What is the best time to do the Pin Bhaba Pass trek?

The best time to undertake the Pin Bhaba Pass trek is from June to September, which is the summer and early monsoon season in the region. During this time, the weather is generally favourable with clear skies and mild temperatures.

Are permits required for the Pin Bhaba Pass trek?

Yes, permits are required for the Pin Bhaba Pass trek. You may need to obtain inner line permits or other necessary permits from the local authorities or trekking agencies. It is recommended to check the latest regulations and obtain the required permits before starting the trek.

Is it necessary to hire a guide for the Pin Bhaba Pass trek?

While it is not mandatory to hire a guide, it is highly recommended, especially for those without prior trekking experience in the region. A guide can provide valuable assistance in navigation, ensure safety, and enhance the overall trekking experience.

What are the accommodation options during the Pin Bhaba Pass trek?

Accommodation during the trek is typically in tents or basic guesthouses in the villages along the route. Camping is common at designated campsites. It is advisable to carry your own sleeping bag for comfort and warmth.

Are there any food and water facilities available during the trek?

Basic meals are usually provided at guesthouses or campsites during the trek. It is recommended to carry some energy bars, snacks, and a sufficient supply of drinking water. Water from natural sources should be treated or purified before consumption.

What should I pack for the Pin Bhaba Pass trek?

Essential items to pack include appropriate clothing, trekking shoes, a sleeping bag, personal hygiene items, a first aid kit, trekking equipment, and necessary documents. It is important to pack light and carry only essential items.

Is it safe to do the Pin Bhaba Pass trek?

The safety of the trek depends on various factors, including weather conditions, individual fitness levels, and adherence to safety guidelines. It is important to be well-prepared, follow safety precautions, and be aware of the risks associated with high-altitude trekking.

Opening Dates

  • Aug
  • Sep


















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