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Buran Ghati Trek Himachal Pradesh is a breathtaking and adventurous trail located in the state of Himachal Pradesh in northern India. It is a popular trekking destination known for its pristine beauty, picturesque landscapes, and thrilling experiences. Spanning a distance of approximately 40 kilometers, this trek takes you through dense forests, sparkling rivers, charming meadows, and stunning mountain passes.

The journey begins from Janglik, a small village situated in the Shimla district. From here, trekkers embark on a thrilling climb toward the Buran Ghati Pass, which stands tall at an altitude of 4,500 meters (14,764 feet). The trail is known for its moderate to challenging difficulty level, making it suitable for both experienced trekkers and beginners who are up for a challenge.

The trek offers a mesmerizing blend of natural beauty and cultural experiences. As you make your way through the dense forests of oak, pine, and birch trees, you’ll witness the rich biodiversity of the region. You may come across various species of birds, including colorful Himalayan Monals and Koklass pheasants, and if you’re lucky, you might spot the elusive snow leopard or Himalayan black bear.

The highlight of the Buran Ghati Trek is undoubtedly the Buran Ghati Pass itself. As you reach the summit, you’ll be rewarded with panoramic views of the surrounding snow-capped peaks, including the mighty Dhauladhar and Kinnaur ranges. The pass is often covered in snow, adding an element of thrill to the trek. Walking on the snowfields and witnessing the stunning frozen landscapes is an experience that will stay with you forever.

Another fascinating aspect of this trek is the chance to interact with the local communities and experience their way of life. The trail takes you through quaint villages, where you can meet friendly villagers and get a glimpse into their traditions and customs. You can also savor the local cuisine, which includes delicious Himachali dishes like siddu, khoru, and babru.

Camping is an integral part of the Buran Ghati Trek. The trek offers several beautiful camping spots, including the lush green meadows of Dayara and Litham. Spending the night in the lap of nature, under a starlit sky, is a magical experience. You can gather around a bonfire, share stories with fellow trekkers, and create memories that will last a lifetime.

However, it’s important to note that the Buran Ghati Trek requires good physical fitness and prior trekking experience. The altitude and challenging terrain demand stamina, endurance, and proper acclimatization. It’s advisable to undergo a thorough medical check-up and prepare yourself physically and mentally before embarking on this adventure.

Overall, the Buran Ghati Trek Himachal Pradesh is a trekking enthusiast’s paradise, offering a perfect blend of natural beauty, adventure, and cultural experiences. From dense forests to snow-covered passes, from charming villages to stunning vistas, this trek has it all. If you’re seeking an unforgettable adventure amidst the breathtaking landscapes of the Himalayas, Buran Ghati Trek should definitely be on your bucket list. So lace up your boots, pack your backpack, and get ready to embark on an exhilarating journey into the heart of nature.


Day 1 - Drive from Shimla to Janglik (2845 M)

On the first day of the Buran Ghati Trek, you will begin your journey by driving from Shimla to Janglik, the starting point of the trek. Shimla, the capital city of Himachal Pradesh, is a popular tourist destination known for its pleasant weather and colonial architecture.

After an early morning breakfast, you will board a vehicle that will take you on a scenic drive towards Janglik. As you leave behind the hustle and bustle of Shimla, you'll gradually ascend through winding roads, passing through charming villages and lush green valleys.

The drive offers mesmerizing views of the surrounding mountains and valleys, providing a glimpse of the natural beauty that awaits you on the trek. The road winds its way through dense forests of pine and oak trees, creating a serene and tranquil atmosphere.

After a few hours of driving, you will reach Janglik, a small village nestled in the Shimla district. Janglik serves as the base camp for the Buran Ghati Trek. It is a picturesque village surrounded by towering mountains, offering a peaceful and serene environment.

Upon arrival in Janglik, you will check into a guesthouse or a campsite, where you will spend the night. Take this opportunity to relax and acclimatize to the altitude. You can explore the village and interact with the locals, immersing yourself in their way of life.

In the evening, you will have a briefing session with the trek leader, who will provide you with important information about the trek, safety guidelines, and the itinerary for the upcoming days. This is also a good time to clarify any doubts or queries you may have regarding the trek.

After the briefing, enjoy a delicious dinner prepared by the trekking team. Savor the local flavors and fuel yourself for the adventure that lies ahead. It is recommended to have an early night's sleep to ensure you are well-rested for the trekking experience starting the next day.

As you retire for the night, you can feel the excitement building up within you, knowing that the next few days will be filled with breathtaking views, challenging trails, and unforgettable memories. Get a good night's rest as you prepare yourself for the thrilling journey that awaits you on the Buran Ghati Trek.

Day 02 - Trek from Janglik to Dayara Thatch (3410 M)

On the second day of the Buran Ghati Trek, you will set off on foot from Janglik and embark on a thrilling trek towards Dayara Thatch, situated at an altitude of 3410 meters.

After an early morning breakfast, you will gather your trekking gear, make final preparations, and begin the trek. The trail starts with a gradual ascent, taking you through dense forests of oak and pine trees. The fresh mountain air and the soothing sounds of nature create a serene and rejuvenating atmosphere.

As you trek further, the trail opens up to offer stunning views of the surrounding valleys and distant peaks. The beauty of the Himalayan landscape unfolds before your eyes, with every step bringing you closer to the heart of nature.

During the trek, you will come across gushing streams and small waterfalls, where you can take short breaks to refresh and replenish your energy. Take a moment to immerse yourself in the tranquility of these natural water bodies, and feel the coolness of the crystal-clear water on your skin.

The trail gradually ascends, challenging you with occasional steep sections. However, the mesmerizing views and the thrill of the adventure keep you motivated. As you climb higher, you will notice a change in the flora and fauna, with alpine meadows and vibrant wildflowers adorning the landscape.

After several hours of trekking, you will reach the beautiful meadow of Dayara Thatch. This scenic campsite offers panoramic views of the surrounding mountains and serves as a perfect spot to rest and relax. The lush green meadows provide a picturesque setting for camping, and you can take some time to explore the area and enjoy the serenity of the surroundings.

As evening approaches, the trekking team will set up the campsite and prepare a warm and hearty dinner for you. Gather around the bonfire, share stories with your fellow trekkers, and soak in the peaceful ambiance of the mountains. The starry night sky above and the distant twinkling lights of the villages below create a magical atmosphere.

As you retire for the night, nestled in your cozy sleeping bag, you can feel a sense of accomplishment and gratitude for the beautiful day of trekking you've had. Take a moment to appreciate the wonders of nature and the experiences that lie ahead on the Buran Ghati Trek. Rest well, as tomorrow holds new adventures and breathtaking landscapes to explore.

Day 03 - Trek from Dayara Thatch to Litham (3597 M)

On the third day of the Buran Ghati Trek Himachal Pradesh, you will continue your journey through the captivating Himalayan landscape, trekking from Dayara Thatch to Litham, located at an altitude of 3597 meters.

After a wholesome breakfast at the campsite in Dayara Thatch, you will pack your belongings, bid farewell to the picturesque meadows, and set off on the trail. The day's trek presents a mix of gentle ascents and gradual descents, offering you a chance to soak in the beauty of the surroundings.

The trail leads you through alpine meadows, where you'll be surrounded by colorful wildflowers, adding a vibrant touch to the landscape. The sweet fragrance of the blossoms and the gentle breeze create a refreshing atmosphere as you make your way forward.

As you traverse the trail, you'll cross over small streams and rivulets, carefully hopping from one rock to another. The melodious sound of flowing water accompanies you, providing a soothing background melody to your trekking experience.

The path gradually climbs higher, and you'll come across patches of snow in certain sections, adding an element of thrill and adventure. Walking on the snowfields, feeling the crisp snow beneath your boots, and breathing in the invigorating mountain air brings a sense of exhilaration.

Throughout the trek, you'll be treated to breathtaking vistas of snow-capped peaks, including the majestic Dhauladhar and Kinnaur ranges. The grandeur of the mountains and the vastness of the surrounding valleys inspire awe and reverence, reminding you of the beauty and power of nature.

After several hours of trekking, you will reach the enchanting campsite of Litham. Nestled amidst towering peaks, this serene location offers panoramic views of the surrounding landscape. Set up your camp and take a moment to appreciate the tranquility of the mountains.

In the evening, gather around the campfire and share stories with your fellow trekkers, recounting the adventures and experiences of the day. The star-studded sky above creates a mesmerizing backdrop, painting the night with its celestial beauty.

As night falls, tuck yourself into your cozy sleeping bag, feeling grateful for the magnificent landscapes and the incredible journey you're undertaking. Let the serenity of the mountains lull you into a peaceful sleep, as you prepare for the adventures that await you on the next day of the Buran Ghati Trek.

Day 4 - Trek from Litham to Chandranahan Lake and back for acclimatization (4220 M)

On the fourth day of the Buran Ghati Trek, you will undertake a special trek from Litham to Chandranahan Lake and back. This day is dedicated to acclimatization, allowing your body to adjust to the higher altitude before proceeding further.

After an early breakfast, you will begin the trek towards Chandranahan Lake, situated at an elevation of 4220 meters. The trail initially follows a gradual ascent, taking you through rocky terrain and moraines. The path may be challenging in parts, requiring careful footing and a steady pace.

As you ascend, the landscape transforms into a rugged and barren terrain, surrounded by towering peaks. The air becomes thinner, and you may feel the effects of the high altitude. It is important to maintain a steady pace and listen to your body, allowing it to adapt to the changing conditions.

After a couple of hours of trekking, you will reach the pristine Chandranahan Lake, which holds great religious significance for the locals. The emerald blue waters of the lake shimmer against the backdrop of snow-capped peaks, creating a mesmerizing sight. Take a moment to absorb the tranquility of the surroundings and appreciate the natural beauty that surrounds you.

Spend some time near the lake, capturing photographs, and immersing yourself in the serene ambiance. The stillness of the lake and the awe-inspiring mountains reflect the serenity and grandeur of the Himalayas.

After enjoying the beauty of Chandranahan Lake, you will retrace your steps back to the campsite in Litham. The descent provides an opportunity to appreciate the landscape from a different perspective and enjoy the journey in reverse.

Upon reaching Litham, take the rest of the day to relax and rejuvenate. This period of acclimatization allows your body to adjust to the altitude, reducing the risk of altitude-related sickness. Take this time to hydrate, rest, and immerse yourself in the tranquility of the mountains.

In the evening, engage in conversations with your fellow trekkers and the trekking team. Share experiences, stories, and laughter as you bond over the shared love for adventure and nature. Enjoy a delicious meal prepared by the team and retire to your tent, feeling grateful for the opportunity to explore the enchanting landscapes of the Buran Ghati Trek.

As you prepare for a good night's rest, take a moment to appreciate the beauty of the journey so far and the exciting days that lie ahead. Tomorrow, you will continue your trek towards the much-awaited Buran Ghati Pass Himachal Pradesh, ready to conquer new heights and create lasting memories.

Day 05 - Trek from Litham to Dhunda (4000 M)

On the fifth day of the Buran Ghati Trek, you will continue your exhilarating journey, trekking from Litham to Dhunda, located at an altitude of 4000 meters.

After a hearty breakfast and packing your essentials, you will bid farewell to the campsite in Litham and begin your trek towards Dhunda. The trail initially follows a gradual ascent, taking you through rocky terrain and patches of snow.

As you ascend, you'll witness the grandeur of the surrounding mountains, their snow-capped peaks standing tall against the azure sky. The panoramic vistas and the crisp mountain air invigorate your senses, creating a sense of awe and wonder.

Throughout the trek, you'll traverse through vast alpine meadows, adorned with vibrant wildflowers. The meadows offer a picturesque setting, with the gentle breeze carrying the sweet scent of the blossoms. Pause for a moment to soak in the beauty of the surroundings and capture the breathtaking views.

As you continue climbing, the trail becomes steeper, and you may encounter some challenging sections. The trek demands physical endurance and mental strength, but the sheer beauty of the landscapes serves as motivation to keep going.

During the trek, you'll come across small streams and rivulets, providing opportunities to refill your water bottles and quench your thirst with the pure, refreshing mountain water. Take a moment to rest and rejuvenate amidst the serene ambiance of these natural water bodies.

After several hours of trekking, you will reach the enchanting campsite of Dhunda. Nestled amidst the towering mountains, Dhunda offers stunning views of the surrounding peaks and glaciers. Set up your camp and take a moment to appreciate the tranquility and beauty of the location.

In the evening, gather around the campfire, share stories, and enjoy the camaraderie of your fellow trekkers. The starry night sky above adds a touch of magic to the ambiance, providing a perfect backdrop for an unforgettable experience.

As you retire to your tent, nestled in the embrace of the mountains, you can reflect on the challenges you've overcome and the breathtaking landscapes you've witnessed. Let the peace and serenity of the mountains lull you into a restful sleep, as you prepare for the final leg of the Buran Ghati Trek, which will lead you to the much-awaited Buran Ghati Pass.

Day 06 - Trek from Dhunda to Munirang (River campsite) via Buran Ghati Pass (4500 M)

On the sixth day of the Buran Ghati Trek, you will embark on an adventurous journey from Dhunda to Munirang also famous as River Campsite, passing through the iconic Buran Ghati Pass, situated at an altitude of 4500 meters.

After an early breakfast and packing your belongings, you will begin the trek, ready to conquer the challenging Buran Ghati Pass. The initial section of the trail involves a gradual ascent, taking you through rocky terrain and moraines. As you gain altitude, the path becomes steeper, demanding physical endurance and mental determination.

As you ascend, the surrounding mountains stand tall, showcasing their majestic peaks and rugged beauty. The crisp mountain air fills your lungs, energizing you for the adventure ahead. The panoramic vistas of the Himalayan range inspire a sense of awe and appreciation for the natural wonders around you.

As you approach the Buran Ghati Pass, the landscape transforms into a snowy wonderland. You may need to navigate through snowfields, using trekking poles and following the footprints of those who have gone before you. The thrill of crossing the pass fills you with a sense of accomplishment and excitement.

Reaching the Buran Ghati Pass, you'll be rewarded with breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains and valleys. The vastness of the landscape and the serenity of the snow-covered peaks create a surreal atmosphere. Take a moment to soak in the beauty and capture memories through photographs.

After crossing the pass, the trail descends, leading you towards Munirang, a picturesque campsite located by a river. The descent may be steep and challenging at times, requiring careful footing. As you make your way down, the landscape changes, with lush greenery and dense forests welcoming you.

Upon reaching the river campsite in Munirang, take a well-deserved break and relax by the gurgling river. Enjoy the serene ambiance, the sound of flowing water, and the refreshing coolness of the surroundings. Set up your camp and bask in the tranquility of the location.

Celebrate your achievement of crossing the Buran Ghati Pass and cherish the memories created along the way. Enjoy a warm and delicious meal, savoring the flavors of the mountains.

As night falls, retire to your tent, feeling a sense of fulfillment and gratitude for the experiences you've had. Let the gentle sound of the river lull you into a peaceful sleep, knowing that tomorrow will bring new adventures and more breathtaking landscapes on your descent to Barua village.

Day 07 - Trek from Munirang (River campsite) to Barua village and Drive to Shimla

On the seventh and final day of the Buran Ghati Trek, you will conclude your memorable journey by trekking from Munirang to Barua village and then driving back to Shimla.

After a wholesome breakfast and bidding farewell to the river campsite in Munirang, you will begin your trek towards Barua village. The trail descends through picturesque landscapes, offering a mix of forested areas and open meadows.

As you trek, you'll be surrounded by the beauty of nature, with lush greenery and vibrant flora painting the scenery. The melodious chirping of birds accompanies you, creating a harmonious symphony of sounds.

The trail takes you through quaint villages, where you can catch glimpses of the local culture and interact with the friendly villagers. Embrace the warmth of their hospitality and learn about their way of life in the mountains.

As you continue your descent, you'll pass through terraced fields and apple orchards, adding a touch of charm to the surroundings. The sweet scent of ripe apples fills the air, tantalizing your senses.

Upon reaching Barua village, you'll bid farewell to the trekking team and guides who have been your companions throughout this incredible journey. Take a moment to appreciate their support and expertise in making your trek a memorable one.

From Barua village, you will embark on a scenic drive back to Shimla, the starting point of your adventure. Sit back and relax as you soak in the breathtaking views of the Himalayan landscape during the journey.

As you return to Shimla, take some time to reflect on the incredible experiences and memories you've gathered during the Buran Ghati Trek. The sense of accomplishment and the beauty of the mountains will stay with you, inspiring future adventures and a deeper appreciation for nature.

As you conclude your trek, take a moment to express gratitude for the opportunity to explore the majestic Himalayas and for the friendships forged along the way. Carry the lessons and experiences of the Buran Ghati Trek with you as you embark on new journeys, forever cherishing the memories of this remarkable adventure.


Buran Ghati Pass Trek Map Himachal Pradesh Hello Hikers



Things to Carry

When preparing for the Buran Ghati Trek, it is essential to pack the following items to ensure a comfortable and safe trekking experience:


  • Quick-drying trekking pants
  • Lightweight and moisture-wicking t-shirts
  • Fleece or down jacket for cold weather
  • Thermal base layers for colder temperatures
  • Waterproof and windproof jacket
  • Trekking socks and thermal socks
  • Warm hat and gloves
  • Sun hat or cap
  • Sunglasses with UV protection


  • Sturdy and waterproof trekking boots with ankle support
  • Extra pair of comfortable trekking shoes or sandals for campsite
  • Backpack and Daypack:
  • A durable and comfortable backpack with a capacity of at least 40-50 liters for carrying your essentials during the trek
  • A smaller daypack for carrying essentials during shorter hikes and exploring nearby areas

Sleeping Gear:

  • Sleeping bag suitable for cold temperatures (rated for below freezing)
  • Sleeping mat or pad for insulation and comfort

Trekking Equipment:

  • Trekking poles for better balance and reducing strain on knees
  • Headlamp or flashlight with extra batteries
  • Water bottle or hydration bladder with a capacity of at least 2 liters
  • Snacks and energy bars for quick energy boosts
  • Trekking map and compass or GPS device

Personal Essentials:

  • Personal medication and first aid kit
  • Sunscreen with a high SPF
  • Insect repellent
  • Toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, biodegradable soap, wet wipes, etc.)
  • Quick-drying towel
  • Small knife or multi-tool


  • Cash for emergency and personal expenses
  • Waterproof and lightweight dry bags or plastic bags to keep your belongings dry
  • Camera or smartphone for capturing the stunning views and memories

It’s important to pack light and carry only the essentials to avoid unnecessary weight. Also, make sure to layer your clothing to adjust to varying temperatures and weather conditions. Prioritize comfort, protection, and safety when selecting your gear and clothing.

How to Reach

To reach the Buran Ghati Trek, you need to follow these steps:

  • Reach Shimla: The starting point for the Buran Ghati Trek is Shimla, a popular hill station in Himachal Pradesh, India. Shimla is well-connected by road, rail, and air. You can reach Shimla by taking a flight to the nearest airport, Jubbarhatti Airport, which is around 23 kilometers from the city. Alternatively, you can take a train to Kalka Railway Station and then proceed to Shimla by road. Also you can take a direct bus from various major cities like Delhi, Dehradun, Chandigarh etc.
  • Travel to Janglik Village: From Shimla, you need to travel to Janglik village, which is the base camp for the Buran Ghati Trek. You can hire a private taxi or take a shared cab from Shimla to Janglik. The journey takes approximately 6-7 hours, covering a distance of around 150 kilometers.

Safety & Security

When undertaking the Buran Ghati Trek, it’s crucial to prioritize safety. Here are some important safety tips to keep in mind:

  • Physical Fitness: Ensure you are in good physical condition before attempting the trek. Engage in regular exercise and build stamina through cardio and strength training. This will help you cope with the physical demands of the trek.
  • Acclimatization: Give your body time to acclimatize to the higher altitudes. Ascend gradually, taking rest days if needed, and stay properly hydrated. Listen to your body and be aware of any signs of altitude sickness, such as headache, dizziness, nausea, or difficulty breathing. If symptoms worsen, descend to a lower altitude immediately and seek medical assistance if necessary.
  • Trekking Gear: Invest in quality trekking gear, including sturdy and comfortable trekking boots with ankle support, appropriate clothing layers, and a waterproof and windproof jacket. Carry essential equipment such as trekking poles, headlamp or flashlight, and a reliable navigation tool.
  • Hydration and Nutrition: Stay hydrated throughout the trek by drinking plenty of water. Carry a water bottle or a hydration bladder and treat any water from natural sources before drinking. Maintain a balanced diet and carry high-energy snacks to fuel your body during the trek.
  • Weather Conditions: Stay informed about the weather conditions before and during the trek. Check the forecast and be prepared for changes in weather. Carry appropriate clothing layers to protect yourself from cold, rain, or snow.
  • Trekking Guide and Company: It is highly recommended to undertake the Buran Ghati Trek with an experienced trekking guide or a reputable trekking company like Hello Hikers. As we can provide valuable guidance, support, and ensure your safety throughout the journey.
  • Emergency Communication: Carry a fully charged mobile phone with emergency numbers saved. Ensure you have a backup power source or a portable charger. Inform your family or friends about your trekking plans, including the itinerary and expected return date.
  • Respect Nature and Wildlife: Preserve the environment by following the principles of Leave No Trace. Avoid littering and dispose of waste properly. Respect wildlife and maintain a safe distance. Do not disturb or feed animals.
  • Follow Trekking Guidelines: Observe and adhere to the trekking guidelines provided by the trekking company or local authorities. Stay on designated trails, avoid shortcuts, and be cautious while crossing rivers or streams.
  • Travel Insurance: Obtain comprehensive travel insurance that covers medical emergencies, evacuation, and trip cancellation. Confirm the coverage details with your insurance provider before the trek.

Remember, safety should always be the top priority during the Buran Ghati Trek. By following these safety tips and exercising caution, you can have a fulfilling and safe trekking experience in the breathtaking Himalayan region.

Cancellation Policy

We understand that planning an outdoor trip brings a lot of excitement and joy. However, we also know that cancellations can be disappointing. While Hello Hikers rarely cancels treks due to our efficient ground operations, cancellations can happen due to unforeseen circumstances such as weather conditions, government regulations, or any other factors beyond our control. In such cases, the following cancellation policy will be applicable.

To ensure a hassle-free experience, we recommend making your booking at least two months in advance. If you do need to cancel your trek, please inform us in writing. Cancellation charges will be effective from the date we receive written advice.

Our cancellation policy is as follows:

We have designed a cancellation policy that is fair, feasible, and convenient for all our customers. The procedure is as follows:

  • If you cancel your trek 21 or more days before the start date, we will deduct 10% towards GST and transaction charges and refund 90% as a trek voucher valid for 1 year.
  • If you cancel your trek 15-20 days before the start date, we will deduct 30% towards GST, transaction, accommodation at base, ration, etc., and refund 70% as a trek voucher valid for 1 year.
  • If you cancel your trek 7-14 days before the start date, we will deduct 50% towards GST, transaction, accommodation at the base, ration, trek leaders, permits, equipment, etc., and refund 50% as a trek voucher that is valid for 1 year.
  • If you cancel your trek 1-6 days before the start date, we will deduct 100% as all arrangements have been made, and we are ready to take you on the trek.

We also have some terms and conditions for the trek voucher:

  • The voucher will be valid for 12 months from the date of issuance.
  • The voucher can be used for any trek with Hello Hikers.

Thank you for choosing Hello Hikers, and we hope to see you on our treks soon!


How difficult is Buran Ghati Trek?

The Buran Ghati Trek is considered to be moderately difficult. It involves challenging terrains, steep ascents, and river crossings. The trek requires a good level of physical fitness, endurance, and prior trekking experience. However, with proper preparation, acclimatization, and guidance from experienced trek leaders, it is achievable for most trekkers. It is important to be prepared for the physical demands of the trek and to follow safety guidelines to ensure a successful and enjoyable experience.

Why to Choose Buran Ghati Trek?

The Buran Ghati Trek is a popular choice among adventure enthusiasts and nature lovers for several compelling reasons:

Breathtaking Scenery: The trek offers breathtaking views of the majestic Himalayan range, including snow-capped peaks, pristine valleys, and picturesque meadows. The landscapes you encounter along the way are nothing short of spectacular, providing a feast for the eyes and a sense of awe-inspiring beauty.

Buran Ghati Pass: The highlight of the trek is crossing the iconic Buran Ghati Pass, situated at an altitude of 3610 meters. This challenging and exhilarating pass offers a sense of accomplishment and rewards you with panoramic views of the surrounding mountains and valleys.

Cultural Immersion: The trek takes you through remote villages and offers opportunities to interact with the locals, providing insights into their unique way of life. You can learn about the local culture, traditions, and cuisine, creating a deeper connection with the region and its people.

Varied Terrain: The Buran Ghati Trek offers a diverse range of landscapes, from lush green forests to alpine meadows and snow-covered trails. This variation in terrain adds excitement and keeps the trek interesting throughout, providing a dynamic and ever-changing environment.

Flora and Fauna: The region is rich in biodiversity, offering a chance to spot a variety of flora and fauna. From colorful wildflowers and rare Himalayan birds to occasional sightings of mountain goats and other wildlife, the trek provides a glimpse into the natural wonders of the Himalayas.

Off-the-Beaten-Path: The Buran Ghati Trek is relatively less crowded compared to some other popular treks in the region. It offers a sense of tranquility and solitude, allowing you to immerse yourself in the serenity of nature and enjoy the beauty of the surroundings without the hustle and bustle of large crowds.

Adventure and Challenge: The trek presents various challenges, including steep ascents, river crossings, and crossing the Buran Ghati Pass. It requires physical endurance, mental strength, and a spirit of adventure. Conquering these challenges can be immensely rewarding and provide a sense of personal achievement.

Overall, the Buran Ghati Trek offers a perfect blend of natural beauty, adventure, cultural immersion, and personal growth. It is an opportunity to explore the mesmerizing Himalayan landscapes, challenge yourself, and create lasting memories in one of the most beautiful regions of India.

How high is the Buran Ghati trek?

The Buran Ghati Trek reaches an altitude of 4500 meters or 15,000 feet at the Buran Ghati Pass. This is the highest point on the trek and offers stunning panoramic views of the surrounding mountains and valleys. The trek starts at lower elevations and gradually ascends to the pass, allowing for proper acclimatization along the way.

Buran Ghati trek best time

The best time to undertake the Buran Ghati Trek is during the summer and autumn months, from May to October. This period offers favorable weather conditions and clearer skies, making it easier to trek and enjoy the stunning views. The summer months of May and June provide pleasant temperatures, lush greenery, and blooming wildflowers. Autumn, specifically September and October, offers mild temperatures, vibrant foliage, and a chance to witness the changing colors of the landscape. It is important to note that weather conditions can be unpredictable in the mountains, so it is advisable to check the local weather forecast before embarking on the trek and be prepared for any changes in the weather.

Buran Ghati trek distance

The total distance covered during the Buran Ghati Trek is approximately 35 to 40kilometers, depending on the specific route and variations. This distance includes the trekking portion from Janglik village to Barua village, passing through various campsites and the Buran Ghati Pass. Each day of the trek involves a different distance to be covered, ranging from around 4 to 9 kilometers. It is important to note that the distance can vary depending on the trail conditions, deviations, and specific itinerary followed by the trekking company or guide.

How can i Reach Hampta Pass Trek ?

Roadways connect Delhi and Manali to the Hampta Pass trek. The Kullu-Manali district's Bhuntar airport is the closest airport. Regular buses and taxis run between Manali and Jobra, where the trek begins. The full walk would need 5–6 days and have a moderate degree of difficulty. One may explore the lush green valleys, take in the breathtaking vistas of snow-capped mountains, and walk through waterfalls and gorgeous water streams while on the hike. June through September would be the ideal time to visit. It is advised to bring the right trekking supplies and equipment for a secure and enjoyable journey.

Buran Ghati trek location

The Buran Ghati Trek is located in the Indian state of Himachal Pradesh, in the western Himalayas. The trek takes place in the Kinnaur district, which is known for its scenic beauty and majestic mountains. The trek starts from Janglik village, situated in the Rohru region of Shimla district, and concludes at Barua village.

Which is good of himachal pradesh, Hampta Pass Or Buran Ghati?

In Himachal Pradesh, the Buran Ghati climb and the Hampta Pass trek are both fantastic choices for trekkers.

A modest journey that offers a distinctive variety of vistas, including lush green meadows, river streams, and snow-capped mountains, is the Hampta Pass Trek. The journey also provides you with a chance to meet locals and get a taste of their culture. The journey may be finished in 4-5 days and is appropriate for beginners.

Buran Ghati is a difficult journey that calls for knowledge of both climbing and trekking. It includes climbing walls, through gorgeous forests, roaring streams, and a 15,000-foot high pass. It takes a minimum of 7-8 days to finish this walk, which also entails camping.

Buran Ghati trek price

The cost of the Buran Ghati Trek can vary depending on several factors, including the trekking company or organization you choose, the duration of the trek, the level of services provided, and the inclusions/exclusions of the package. It is recommended to check with various trekking companies or tour operators to get an accurate idea of the price.

Generally, the cost of the Buran Ghati Trek includes expenses such as guide and support staff fees, trekking permits, accommodation during the trek (camping), meals, transportation to and from the trek starting point, and basic trekking equipment (tents, sleeping bags, etc.). Additional costs that may not be included in the package are travel expenses to reach the trek starting point, personal equipment and clothing, travel insurance, and any extra services or activities not mentioned in the package.

Opening Dates

  • May
  • June

11 May - 17 May 2024

12 May - 18 May 2024

16 May - 22 May 2024

17 May - 23 May 2024

18 May - 24 May 2024

19 May - 25 May 2024

20 May - 26 May 2024

21 May - 27 May 2024

22 May - 28 May 2024

23 May - 29 May 2024

24 May - 30 May 2024

25 May - 31 May 2024

26 May - 01 June 2024

27 May - 02 June 2024

31 May - 06 June 2024

01 June - 07 June 2024

02 June - 08 June 2024

03 June - 09 June 2024

05 June - 11 June 2024

06 June - 12 June 2024 

07 June - 13 June 2024

08 June - 14 June 2024

09 June - 15 June 2024

14 June - 20 June 2024

15 June - 21 June 2024

16 June - 22 June 2024 

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